Live Updates for KSEAB Karnataka First PUC Result 2024 at The Karnataka First PUC RESULT were held this year from February 12 to February 27.

Karnataka First PUC  Result 2024: The KSEAB 1st PUC result is expected to be released by the Karnataka School Examination and Assessment Board (KSEAB) today, March 30. Students can view their Class 11 (PUC I) results on the official website,, after they are announced.

The Karnataka First PUC exams were held this year from February 12 to February 27. On March 30 (Saturday), the results are expected to be announced at around nine or eleven a.m. Nevertheless, KSEAB has not yet verified the precise time.

The overall pass percentage was 74.67% the year before. 7,02,067 pupils showed up for the test, out of the 7,27,923 students who registered, 7,25,821 of them were found to be eligible. 5,24,209 of them met the requirements to move on to Class 12 (PUC II).

Live updates for the Karnataka First PUC Result 2024: How can I check the results?

1. Go to, the official website, to begin.

2. Find and click on the Karnataka PUC first-year results link.

3. Enter your date of birth and either your SATS number or registration number to log in.

4. Enter your information after logging in to get your findings.

5. Download your scorecard and save it for later use after seeing your results.



updates for the Karnataka First PUC Result 2024: Will the KSEAB make the list of toppers public?

The Karnataka board did not reveal the top scorers from the previous year. Rather, the board decided to distribute scorecards that included a breakdown of each student’s grades and marks by subject.



Live updates for the Karnataka First PUC Result 2024: When did the test take place?

The first PUC exams for Karnataka in 2024 were held from February 12 to February 27. The majority of the subjects had appointments between 10:15 am to 1:30 pm. On the other hand, the hours for some articles were from 10:15 am to 12:30 pm.



Live updates for the Karnataka First PUC Result 2024: Were state-level exams administered for Class 11?

The first PU test for the Karnataka Board was held at the collegiate level. The District Deputy Director of Pre-University (DDPU) printed the first PU question paper, which was made available in soft copy by the Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board (KSEAB). The college level will also conduct valuation, and results will be made public during college business hours.



Live updates for the Karnataka First PUC Result 2024: Previous year's figures

Karnataka PUC 1 saw an overall pass percentage of 74.67 percent the year before. 7,25,821 of the 7,27,923 pupils who registered for the test were found to be eligible. 7,02,067 students took the exam out of them. In the end, 5,24,209 pupils were deemed qualified to advance to Class 12 (PUC II).


Live updates for the Karnataka First PUC Result 2024: What occurs if the student requests a reevaluation because they are unhappy with the outcome?

Students who are not happy with their Karnataka PUC 1st results 2024 can apply to have their results reevaluated. Either during or after the original results are declared, details on the Karnataka Board Class 11 reassessment of results will be made public.